Thursday, April 27, 2017

Final Blog Post

It is sad to say but this is my final blog post for this class. I feel that over the course of this class I have gained and learned a lot of new information but have also improved myself with understanding better social/political issues. When I first came into this classed I would say I had no idea what I meant to be a collaborator. If I was asked to define what being a "collaborator" meant, I would probably have said something like "someone who adds to a group". When now looking back on that I would say my new definition is much different. The past 15 weeks have been filled with interesting information and topics that I never thought I would ever learn about. From how groups work with each other to rape culture. We have really learned a lot. Also, our group project went very well. Our project was about rape culture and I feel like we really put across a good message. one of our group members eden found a piece of work on Pinterest that we remixed and turned into our video for the project. For this video, the idea was that someone's watch was going to be stolen off of them but could not find any help. responses such as "why are you wearing a Rolex" or "why not just wear a long sleeve shirt to cover it up". Though these ideas may seem silly or idiotic, These are some of the responses actual rape victims here when trying to search for help. Our goal for this video is to get the message out there and aid to help the end of rape culture. One thing from rape culture that makes it seem funny or cool is from memes. There are many memes online that poke fun at rape culture and try to use it as humor. When in fact, nothing about it is funny.

My two best blog post:;postID=4896645889443751159;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=postname;postID=9101217661030038215;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=7;src=postname

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Finished Filming & Class

Yesterday our group met at the student union to film our scenes for the final project. We met at 7:30. Everyone showed up on time and it worked out really well. We only had to have a couple of takes to get the shots right but in the end, it all turned out very well. After we were finished filming we were deciding whether or not we wanted to add any music to it or maybe even some sound effects that would enhance our video.

In class today we played a game on the spreadable media quiz. The class broke up into their unit 2 projects group and began reading over our team's discussion post. after that, the game began. In this game, the proof would show us a picture on the board that had some words blanked ou. We had to determine if they were either Spreadable or Sticky depending on the situation. Today, the prof announced an option for extra credit. She showed us the sheet of paper with the multiple options on it. I'm really excited for this as it will let me bring my grade up a little more.

I can't wait to start watching all the other group projects. It will be very interesting to see all the different ways and directions all the groups went with their projects.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Adobe Spark & Group Project

Last class, we had a guest speaker who came from the Adobe department of the University of Arizona. He introduced us to Adobe Spark and gave us a presentation and demonstration for us. He also gave students a piece of paper with a code on it for every to get the Adobe Creative Cloud for free. Which includes all of Adobe's photo and media programs. In this presentation, he showed and demonstrated how easy and simple it is to use. It is very user-friendly and pretty much anyone would be able to work it. After that, we then got into our project groups and had thirty minutes to put together a video presentation. Our prompt was to make a video presentation on the Wikipedia information we gathered from the class before. After completing our video presentation on baby clothes and then started to upload the presentation to D2L. The class, however, ran into a problem. Everyone around the same time was attempting to upload their presentations at the same time. Nobody as able to upload their projects.

Today our group is meeting to discuss and plan out how we are going to do the project. We plan on meeting at the library. This will be helpful and will get everyone on the same page for how the project is going to get done.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Unit 2 project groups

Last class, we created our Unit 2 project groups. My group "The BedBugs" has myself, Miros, Caleb, Katie, and Eden. During this class, we had another competition. This competition was based off the reading the Tweaker. This reading focused on a few different things. The most interesting part to me was when it talked about Steve Jobs. Most of the article was spent bashing him and giving examples of how bad of a person he is. Our group focused our question on a quote at the end of the reading. "The architects wanted the windows to open. Jobs said no. He “had never liked the idea of people being able to open things. ‘That would just allow people to screw things up". We thought this related well to the overall design and goals of apple. Since with most of their products you can not get into them and modify the technology. I thought that our group did a really good job coming together for the first time and doing very well in the class comp. we ended up getting 100% along with only one other group. I look forward to learning and creating with this group as I believe we will create a really great project that will earn us a solid grade.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hip Hop and collaborating

The readings for this week were very interesting to me for multiple reasons. First, I am a huge Hip Hop and rap fan. Second, it made me think about all of the songs I know of that have samples from other artist. The first song I thought of was High Way 85 by Migos. In this song they sample a beat from the group NWA. Not only do they sample part of the beat but they also rap with the same flow that NWA used to rap it. This is only one song of many that has been sampled in the Hip Hop/Rap community. I find it really cool how in the rap community many of the songs created have parts or aspects that are sampled from other artist or music from the past. The other day I was listening to the song "Get Stupid" by Mac Dre. This song has a very catchy beat and is liked by many people. However the beat was not created by Mac Dre, it was made by Dr. Dre. in the song Mac says this "This beats poundin cutty whered you get it? Oh you didn't know dr dre did it". I found it really cool how he gave a shout out to the man who made the beat, so not all credit goes to him.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Class Compettiton

We started class off today with watching the trailer for the movie Code that we watched before class. In this trailer we were refreshed on the ideas that the movie proposed. The main topic was the gender discrimination within the Computer Science field. "Women are coming into this business being sexually abused and being discriminated against because of their gender". This was a quote from a trailer that came from a women in a interview explaining more about the discrimination in Computer Science. After we talked about that video for a bit we then split up into separate groups in order to compete in a sort of Knowledge Bowl competition. I really liked this activity as I am a very competitive person and thought that it was a great way for me to learn and under stand the things that I do not already. I believe what really made this activity work were the different groups that were created within the class. Having many different groups composed of many different people really lets you hear lots of cool ideas or maybe someone will answer a question and the way the describe will make it click for you enabling you to learn the information.

Monday, February 27, 2017

New post

We have seen multiple times now in different ways how the internet has been used to increase awareness for certain political issues, such as the zapatista movement. Eventually
"Reached out to their 5 million members, generating 150,000 notes of support for the Wisconsin 14 in a matter of days" (Karpf). Seeing how fast things can spread through the internet is truly amazing. and especially when people come together within their communities and put all their efforts together insane results such as the movement can happen and a lot of good can come from that
sense of teamwork. I find it interesting with this recurring theme of politics in this use of political organization through the internet. However the MoveOn movement also had its help from social organization. With the use of hashtags such as #WIUnion. Hashtags like these help the community spread the news of what is happening through social media. I have really enjoyed learning about all these different forms of organization and seeing how different groups can create these large collaborating communities that get a massive amount of work done so quickly. I hope to learn more about new and interesting movements later on in this class, because so far what I have learned has been very cool.

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 3

Last week in class we watched a video about a man named Todd Wolfson who spoke about the Zapatistas and the power of the internet. Before this I had never heard of the Zapatistas or what they were about. They were fed up with how they were being treated and how their farms were going to end up. They fled to the mountains where the Mexican government eventually found them and threatened to wipe them out. But from the power of the internet they were able to send a call for help. This call was pushed around on the internet and gained a lot of attention. Because of this people from around the world were able to see what was happening to this people. it got so big that even celebrities were flying down to see these people in person. After hearing and learning of this story I am amazed with how powerful the internet can really be. Who would of thought that the Zapatistas would of been able to send out their message across the entire world for their voices to be heard. that is pretty incredible if I say so my self. This lesson was awesome and I cant wait to learn more.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 2

In our last reading we learned about Group Development and the process within it. before this class I had never thought to myself the development and process that all newly formed groups go through. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning are all part of the process. Each one of these is a part of the development that the group will go through before they are complete. In the start of development the group is seeking out for a group leader to lead them. This happens in the "Forming" part. "Storming" is when the group is more or less settled and begins to organize and work. eventually there will be conflict between members. Once "Norming" begins to happen group members start coming together and provide each other with ideas, help, etc. this is the stage where things actually start getting done and the group is making process. Stage 4 "preforming" is not met by all groups. at this point nobody needs to be in charge and nobody needs to review anybodies work. everyone is trusted and productive creating quality work. Then finally we have the "Adjourning" stage. This is the part where everything is terminated. such as the group and any relations that were made during the group work. Sometimes it is hard for the person who was in charge to give up and accept that they no longer have anymore power.


Monday, January 23, 2017

First Post!

Hey! my name is Wyatt and I am a sophomore from Seattle, Washington. I am a E SOC major and I am minoring in communications. Some of my favorite things are soccer and skiing.

So far this class has been very interesting. This is only my second e soc class so I am excited learn about the major and learn new ideas and knowledge through this class. I feel as I am already learning new things in this class. With the drawings portraying different types of communities and how they might be collaborating.

In the first reading "What is collaboration anyway?" we learn about the various acts that must happen to efficiently "collaborate". Things such as sharing, coordinating, collaborationism, and questions. The most important part of collaboration in my opinion is sharing.

Sharing is very important because it combines everyone's knowledge into to something better. other types
of sharing such as open source programs that can be downloaded by anyone for anyone.

In reading two, "Tina Fey's Rules of Improvisation" the most interesting idea to me was that fact that you

cant say no, or likely should say yes. Go along with others ideas and try to incorporate your own into them.
In Improv it is very hard to be succesful if the people acting with you dont accept your ideas. They need
to accept what you have to offer and put their own twist on it to create something from it. The same goes
for collaborating.

In the third reading it talks about how there is no filter on the internet so their is nothing to separate from

good and evil. We need to learn how and which sources to trust.