Monday, January 23, 2017

First Post!

Hey! my name is Wyatt and I am a sophomore from Seattle, Washington. I am a E SOC major and I am minoring in communications. Some of my favorite things are soccer and skiing.

So far this class has been very interesting. This is only my second e soc class so I am excited learn about the major and learn new ideas and knowledge through this class. I feel as I am already learning new things in this class. With the drawings portraying different types of communities and how they might be collaborating.

In the first reading "What is collaboration anyway?" we learn about the various acts that must happen to efficiently "collaborate". Things such as sharing, coordinating, collaborationism, and questions. The most important part of collaboration in my opinion is sharing.

Sharing is very important because it combines everyone's knowledge into to something better. other types
of sharing such as open source programs that can be downloaded by anyone for anyone.

In reading two, "Tina Fey's Rules of Improvisation" the most interesting idea to me was that fact that you

cant say no, or likely should say yes. Go along with others ideas and try to incorporate your own into them.
In Improv it is very hard to be succesful if the people acting with you dont accept your ideas. They need
to accept what you have to offer and put their own twist on it to create something from it. The same goes
for collaborating.

In the third reading it talks about how there is no filter on the internet so their is nothing to separate from

good and evil. We need to learn how and which sources to trust.

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