Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Class Compettiton

We started class off today with watching the trailer for the movie Code that we watched before class. In this trailer we were refreshed on the ideas that the movie proposed. The main topic was the gender discrimination within the Computer Science field. "Women are coming into this business being sexually abused and being discriminated against because of their gender". This was a quote from a trailer that came from a women in a interview explaining more about the discrimination in Computer Science. After we talked about that video for a bit we then split up into separate groups in order to compete in a sort of Knowledge Bowl competition. I really liked this activity as I am a very competitive person and thought that it was a great way for me to learn and under stand the things that I do not already. I believe what really made this activity work were the different groups that were created within the class. Having many different groups composed of many different people really lets you hear lots of cool ideas or maybe someone will answer a question and the way the describe will make it click for you enabling you to learn the information.

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