"Reached out to their 5 million members, generating 150,000 notes of support for the Wisconsin 14 in a matter of days" (Karpf). Seeing how fast things can spread through the internet is truly amazing. and especially when people come together within their communities and put all their efforts together insane results such as the MoveOn.org movement can happen and a lot of good can come from that
sense of teamwork. I find it interesting with this recurring theme of politics in this use of political organization through the internet. However the MoveOn movement also had its help from social organization. With the use of hashtags such as #WIUnion. Hashtags like these help the community spread the news of what is happening through social media. I have really enjoyed learning about all these different forms of organization and seeing how different groups can create these large collaborating communities that get a massive amount of work done so quickly. I hope to learn more about new and interesting movements later on in this class, because so far what I have learned has been very cool.

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